Atlantic Financial Blog

Home & Auto

What Does A Pre-Approved Car Loan Mean?

When you want a car loan, going through the pre-approval process can significantly improve your car buying experience. With this paperwork in hand, you can walk into a dealership, and the salespeople will take you seriously.  But why? What does a pre-approved car loan mean? How do you get pre-approved for a loan? How does it help you with your … Continue reading

couple researching what a pre-approved car loan means
Budgeting & Saving

Brighten Your Holidays Despite a Tight Budget

Sharing stories over a holiday meal is one of your family’s favorite pastimes. It doesn’t matter that every year, like clockwork, a televised football game steals the attention of several family members just as Aunt Edna begins one of her favorite childhood tales. These moments are special and never fail to create cherished, lighthearted holiday memories. It’s the expenses associated … Continue reading

Lady sitting on floor with laptop shopping online
Budgeting & Saving | Credit & Debt

7 Of The Most Reliable Money Management Tips

The concept of money management can seem overwhelming. You may wonder where to start, which financial goals to prioritize, and how to maintain momentum. Everyone’s financial situation is unique. Therefore your money management strategy will be unique to your needs as well. However, you can implement these 7 top tips, and customize them if necessary, as you address your financial … Continue reading

frustrated couple debating money management tips
Fraud & Security

Important Tips For Securing Your Personal Information

Fraud is nothing new. However, in today’s world it is a lot more prevalent and in some ways easier to accomplish. At the feverish pace at which digital technology grows, we often associate fraud with online activity. And while that is a major source of fraud activity, there is a necessity to protect ourselves both online and offline. The following … Continue reading

Fraud & Security

How To Keep Your Devices Secure

We live most of our day on computers, tablets, and mobile devices. As our digital connections continue to grow, so does the threat of fraud and information stealing. That’s why it is extremely important to make sure you efficiently secure your devices. Follow these tips to keep your devices secure and information safe. Use Security Software Install anti-virus software, anti-spyware … Continue reading

Laptop with security icon