Personal loans are among the most common financing that people rely on for their borrowing needs. They’re relatively easy to obtain, and there are usually few or no restrictions on what you can use them for. If you’re considering a personal loan, you wonder whether the interest is tax deductible. The following overview can be helpful in understanding how the … Continue reading
Credit & Debt
Living with credit card debt can take its toll on you physically and mentally. It may seem that the balances keep climbing no matter how hard you try. High-interest rates on credit card balances can form the perfect storm where the monthly interest charges cancel out any payments you make. This cycle can create a debt spiral that feels impossible … Continue reading
Making good financial decisions is important but your budget should also include vacations or at least the occasional weekend getaway. You might feel stressed about work or concerned about the future. Whatever your situation, you deserve to indulge in different experiences and escape your routine from time to time. But how are you going to fund your beach vacay, mountain … Continue reading
Each year, many people tap into the equity in their homes to fund remodeling projects, pay for weddings, consolidate high-interest debt, or for other reasons. If you’re thinking about borrowing against your home equity, the following are some important things to know to help you make an informed decision. What Is Home Equity? Home equity refers to the amount of … Continue reading
At some point in your life, you’ll probably need a loan. Whether you’re preparing to buy your first home, a new car, or want to consolidate debt, there’s always a chance your loan request may be denied. While not being approved for a loan can be disheartening, don’t beat yourself up. Loan denials can happen for a variety of reasons … Continue reading
Home values have steadily risen over the past couple years throughout the country, and continue to hold these high values. Homeowners are in a position to reap substantial benefits. If selling your home is your goal, you will likely realize considerable gains. However, if you plan to stay in your home, you’re still able to improve your financial standing significantly. … Continue reading