A Holiday Message To Our Members

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Dear AFFCU Family,

2020 has certainly been a challenging and eye-opening year. We have faced a widespread pandemic, social unrest, economic uncertainty, business closures, job losses, school closures, and more.

Despite what we have all endured on various scales, you have continued to place your trust in us to serve your financial needs. As we prepare to enjoy the holidays, I want to share our team’s gratitude for your membership here at AFFCU and the opportunity to serve you.

AFFCU was founded, and continues to operate, on the Credit Union philosophy of “people helping people.” That’s why we refer to you as members, not customers. You’re a member of a financial organization that cares for your well-being and wants to ensure that you are ready and able to face whatever tomorrow and the future brings your way.

We strive to deliver hope, support, and stability in your financial well-being. A guiding light and partner you can trust to keep you moving ahead. Providing support and financial accessibility has always been important to us. However, this year has made us realize the gravity and necessity of our role in it now more than ever.

As things continue to remain in flux in our world today, we don’t know what lies ahead tomorrow or through 2021. But we want you to know that we, your credit union team, are here to serve you. While some things may be temporarily operating differently for safety reasons, we continue to work hard to ensure we are available to serve your financial needs. Despite the pandemic, we’re excited for the opportunities that are ahead of us in 2021.

As we enjoy the holiday season and move into the new year, we aspire to provide you with hope and optimism. On behalf of the entire AFFCU team and Board of Directors, we thank you for continuing to trust us to serve your needs. It is an honor to be an important part of your lives and success.

May your Christmas and Holiday Season be filled with peace, hope, and happiness.


Matthew Piazza, CPA
President & CEO